RapidStream TAPA (FPGA)

RapidStream TAPA is an open-source backend that enables agile synthesis for designing high-frequency FPGA dataflow accelerators. Please refer to their TRETS papers for more details. It still requires the Vitis HLS toolchain to generate hardware accelerators for FPGA devices, so please set up the environment in advance. This document demonstrates how to define a general matrix multiplication (GEMM) kernel using the Allo ADL and generate TAPA code for FPGA synthesis.

Kernel Definition

The GEMM kernel is implemented using float32 precision and pre-defined constants for the matrix dimensions. The kernel utilizes the allo.grid API to iterate over output indices and the allo.reduction API to designate the reduction axis for accumulating the dot-product.

import allo
from allo.ir.types import float32
import numpy as np

# Define matrix dimensions
M, N, K = 32, 32, 32

def gemm(A: int32[32, 32], B: int32[32, 32]) -> int32[32, 32]:
    C: int32[32, 32] = 0
    for i, j, k in allo.grid(32, 32, 32):
        C[i, j] += A[i, k] * B[k, j]
    return C

Code Generation for RapidStream TAPA

Allo supports the generation of TAPA code by setting the target to “tapa”. Four synthesis modes are available:

  • csim: C simulation mode, which compiles the design for software simulation.

  • fast_hw_emu: Fast hardware emulation mode developed by RapidStream, offering a rapid emulation of the hardware design.

  • hw_emu: Hardware emulation mode, synthesizing the design into an RTL model and simulating it on an FPGA emulator.

  • hw: Full hardware synthesis mode, performing complete synthesis, placement, routing, and bitstream generation for execution on FPGA hardware.

s = allo.customize(gemm)
mod = s.build(target="tapa", mode="hw_emu", project="gemm.prj")

Project Structure and Execution

The generated TAPA project (e.g., in the folder gemm.prj) typically includes:

  • host.cpp: The host (CPU) code that interfaces with the generated accelerator.

  • kernel.cpp: The accelerator kernel code generated for TAPA.

  • Makefile: Build scripts that streamline the project compilation.

To execute the design, prepare the input matrices using NumPy. For instance, generate random matrices for the inputs and allocate an output array:

np_A = np.random.random((M, K)).astype(np.float32)
np_B = np.random.random((K, N)).astype(np.float32)
allo_C = np.zeros((M, N), dtype=np.float32)
mod(np_A, np_B, allo_C)
np.testing.assert_allclose(allo_C, np.matmul(np_A, np_B), rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5)

Ensure that the TAPA and required toolchain environments are correctly configured before running the flow. For further environment setup and detailed information on synthesis modes, please consult the RapidStream TAPA documentation.